WTO Argentina Opens Tube Dispute with US


Argentina has initiated a dispute with the United States through the World Trade Organization (WTO), challenging the U.S. anti-dumping measures on oil country tubular goods (OCTG) originating from Argentina and specific parts of the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930.

The request for consultations, a formal initial step in resolving disputes in the WTO, was circulated to the organization's members on May 25. Consultations offer an avenue for parties to discuss the issues at hand and attempt to find a satisfactory resolution before proceeding with further litigation.

Argentina alleges that these measures contravene several aspects of the WTO's Anti-Dumping Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1994. This marks the third WTO dispute initiated by Argentina pertaining to U.S. anti-dumping practices on OCTG.

The disputed U.S. measures involve Section 771(7)(G) of the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930, and Argentina contends that this legislation is inconsistent with U.S. obligations under the Anti-Dumping Agreement and GATT 1994.

Argentina's government has formally requested the consultations, citing Articles 1 and 4 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU), Articles 17.2 and 17.3 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, and Article XXIII:1 of the GATT 1994.

In its complaint, Argentina asserts that the final anti-dumping measure imposed on OCTG from Argentina and certain provisions of the U.S. legislation concerning the cross-cumulation of imports assessing injury caused by imports in anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations appear to be inconsistent with the United States' WTO obligations.

If these consultations fail to resolve the dispute within 60 days, Argentina may then request adjudication by a panel.



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